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Stick to Your New Year Resolution with These 5 Tips

New Year’s Resolutions are hot topics this time of year with many honestly wanting to make changes that will help them to be healthier, wiser and more organized people overall. While some stick with their goals for a few weeks or possibly even a few months, a very low percentage of individuals actually keep their resolutions for an entire year or incorporate their goals as sustainable parts of their lives. These five tips will help individuals make their goals more attainable.

1. Defined and Achievable

First, resolutions should always be easily defined and should be achievable. Many people set generalized goals for themselves, such as being thinner, becoming healthier or learning how to sew. However, without specific goals, chances are that this resolution will fall by the wayside before January is even completed. For example, instead of resolving to become thinner or even lose 20 pounds, one should resolve to hire a personal trainer, work out for 30 minutes 5 days each week or count and limit calories to 1,500 each day.

2. Start Small

Second, the best resolutions begin with small changes that gradually become larger. Someone who wants to run a marathon would find it impossible to start suddenly running 10 miles a day. It would be easier and less discouraging to commit to a running program that gradually immerses the individual in the exercise.

3. Tell Someone

Third, telling family and friends can be a great help when making a resolution. They will be an encouragement to the individual who is making life changes. Not only will they be the cheering team, but also they will be able to hold the individual accountable. People are much less likely to quit new routines if they know that someone will be asking for updates.

4. Think Positively

Fourth, positive thinking is necessary. If individuals have no faith that they can make a change, they will be discouraged from the start. Although fear or worry is normal when starting something new, these thoughts should not be allowed to take root in one’s mind. Positive, uplifting thoughts should be the focus.

5. Stay Strong

Fifth, those making resolutions should strengthen their willpower. They may be tempted to have just one cookie or stay in bed late just one time. Often, the best way to do increase willpower is to distract oneself when these tempting thoughts come. Distraction can be as simple as getting up and taking a walk or opening a new book or magazine.

After many years of making resolutions and failing to keep them, this is the year to make a change. The best resolutions are attainable and easily started. While individuals require willpower and positive thinking to succeed, family and friends may offer the extra boost of strength that is needed.

We hope this helps you stay committed to those goals for 2014. We are to help if one of your goals is home ownership. Contact us today.

 5 tips to achieve your new year resolution